Kingston Co-op Expression of Interest

Kingston Co-operative Homes

Expression of Interest for Membership and Accommodation

Expression of Interest for Membership at Kingston Co-operative Homes 1336 Princess Street

Completion of this online form is to express interest in applying for affordable rental accommodation at 1336 Princess Street in Kingston Ontario. This new building is owned and managed by Kingston Co-operative Homes and is located at Princess Street and Portsmith Avenue just an eight-minute drive from downtown Kingston.

Building Information:

The new 3 story building is expected to be completed in April of 2024 and will contain 38 units of affordable rental housing. For details on the types and sizes of units, as well as the estimated housing charges (rents) at move-in, please visit

Eligibility Information:

To be eligible for a unit at 1336 Princess Street, a household must meet ALL of the following criteria upon occupancy:

  • At least one member of the household is 16 years old or older and is able to live independently;
  • Every member of the household is either:
    • A Canadian citizen
    • A permanent resident of Canada or has applied for permanent resident status, or
    • A refugee claimant or Convention refugee
  • The total gross household income is less than the Incoming Income Limits:
    1-bedroom unit - $36,000
    2-bedroom unit - $42,000
  • Must not have arrears with a social housing provider; unless the household has entered into a repayment plan with that provider and the repayment plan is in good standing;
  • Must not own a home suitable for year-round occupation; and
  • Must not have an enforceable removal order against them.

Expression of Interest Process:

Completion of this online Expression of Interest (EOI) form is the first step in the application process for affordable rental housing at 1336 Princess Street. Only one EOI form submission per household is permitted. The Expression of Interest (EOI) period begins November 1, 2023 at 10:00am and will close November 30, 2023 at 4:00pm.

Applicants will be invited to attend a mandatory information session and complete a full Application form for Membership and Occupancy. A mandatory membership interview will also be required for eligible applicants.

For more information about what a housing Co-Operative is, and what it means to be a member of a housing Co-Operative, please visit:

Primary Applicant

Status in Canada: Documentation supporting your status in Canada is not required for the EOI but will be required at the application stage. Please indicate your status in Canada.

Other Household Members (Click Here)

Unit Size

The Co-op has established minimum household size rules in order to balance the Co-op’s obligation to make the best use of co-op property and the right of co-op members to have long-term security in their units. The minimum number of persons for each of the co-op’s unit types is:

  • Studio/Bachelor Unit: 1 person
  • One-bedroom Unit: 1 person
  • Two-bedroom Unit: 2 persons

At 1336 Princess Street, there is also a maximum of one bedroom for spouses, and a maximum of two persons per bedroom.

Please check off the size of unit are you applying for. 

Check here please

Unit Type

Accessible Units: 1336 Princess Street is an accessible building with an elevator, automatic door-openers and other common area accessibility features. Of the total 38 units, 9 are barrier free.

To be eligible for an accessible unit, at least one member of the household applying must need the barrier-free features of the unit. They must also provide medical documentation supporting their requirements at the application stage.

Are you applying for an accessible unit?

Household Income

To be eligible for a unit at 1336 Princess Street, you must have a household income that is below the household income limit.

1 Bedroom - $36,000

2 Bedroom - $42,000

Household income is defined as the amount of Line 23600 of the Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment (CRA NOA) from the prior year (2022) for all members of your household ages 16 years of age or older.

At the application stage, applicants will need to provide a copy of the CRA NOA for 2022 for all members of the household who are age 16 years of age or older, as well as current income documentation.

Please provide the annual income for each member of your household who is 16 years of age or older. This would be Line 23600 in the 2022 CRA NOA:

Consent & Declaration

All household members who are 16 years of age or older must read this section and sign this Expression of Interest form.

I confirm that all of the information given about me in this form is true and complete.

I understand that completion of this Expression of Interest form indicates that I am interested in applying for a unit at 1336 Princess Street. I understand that the applicants will be invited to attend a mandatory information session, after which they will be invited to complete an Application Form for Membership and Occupancy, and must attend a mandatory membership interview.

I understand that completion of this Expression of Interest form is for 1336 Princess Street only and no other Kingston Co-operative Homes property, building or unit.

I understand that the Co-op will use the information to contact me about this application.

I understand that any information in this form or in any attached documents will only be given in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and associated regulations. This means that the information in this form or in any attached documents will only be disclosed to the Co-op’s staff, Board of Directors, committees, consultants and regulators on a need-to-know basis. I understand that the Co-op will destroy personal information about me that it no longer needs, subject to government requirements.

I understand that completion of this form does not guarantee that I will be offered a unit, invited to an information session or interview, or be placed on the waiting list for 1336 Princess Street or any other Kingston Co-operative Homes’ properties.

All household members who are 16 years of age or older must sign below.

If you have any questions or concerns about the collecting and sharing of this information only, please email Please note that the Co-op is not accepting calls about the application process at this time.